Monday, September 24, 2007


This photo is probably just as blurry as the subjects' memories of yesterday. That is none other than Ted, CNN and CNN's big bro Don standing outside John's Bar & Grille shortly after Ted and CNN were flagged! I have never seen Ted get flagged from any bar (although he came close in downtown Saratoga) let alone John's, but he took it like a true drunken gentleman. His futile attempts to argue a logical case with the bartenders for more shots were quite entertaining to witness, as well.


tedman said...


Was the sentence 24hrs, a week, or life?

I really enjoyed myself last evening. Go Eagles!


Anonymous said...

Teddy, I'm guessing 24hrs. DN

PokerPro said...

Ted, maybe you can call John's pretending to be your own lawyer and plead your case!

Chuck said...

Say it aint so Joe!

cns said...

did i leave my beer unattended?
somebody put something in it

horrible night

PokerPro said...

Maybe it was Fergie at Stephen's!