Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Borgata Cheap Seat Tournament Tonite

I'm heading back to the Borgata this afternoon for a 5 pm event (#34). It is a cheap seat satellite tournament where we will be playing in a two tier structure for a seat in the $10,000 buy-in main event. Tonight's winners come back Thursday and play for the $10k seats (1 seat for every 10 entrants). I'm taking it easy on the food today, so far I've only consumed a Carnation Instant Breakfast drink!
I'll give you an update (good or bad) tomorrow!


Chuck said...


Now you've gone too far to the other extreme!

You need brainfood man, brainfood.

Find the balance, snatch the peeble from my hand, wait for the cards to come....

cns said... some protein pp

akjn westside said...

Red Bull and bananas, brother. Just kidding.

cns said...

red bull and patron

Chuck said...

CNN - you should be shot! Ruining a perfectly good tequila with cherry cough syrup!

Don't talk to me for a week, you're in TIMEOUT...

akjn westside said...

I want to go to Chinatown!