As expected, the trip to Borgata this weekend was awesome! CNN drove, which was nice, and we arrived with plenty of time to spare before the kickoff of the Eagles game. Upon arrival we checked our bags and hit the B-Bar for some much needed libations and I needed to see some game updates to see where I stood in my Fantasy League. The drinks were good and the game updates were even more uplifting! Team Rastamon crushed its opponent 149 to 82!
While the lounge chairs in B-Bar were comfortable, the view of the TV screens was not acceptable and we decided to relocate to the Gypsy Bar and it's theater-sized screen. We snagged 4 seats up front and started sampling the world's largest Tequila menu. While we were all tempted to try the new $300 Margarita, we stuck to the Cabo Wabo and Patron selections! The Prickly Pear was superb! We ordered a snack selection consisting of chips and salsa, habenero wings and an olive plate. While we had an incredible view of the huge screen from our seats, more incredible still was the view of our waitress, Virginia, a blonde, twenty-something who most likely hailed from Sweden. CNN and I debated at length on whether or not the particular "structural assets" this beauty possesed were "fake or "natural", and I feel confident they were 100% natural, along with here blonde hair!
The drinks were going down fast, the Eagles score was rising fast and we barely noticed that the paper products accompanying our snack baskets were dangerously close to the candle on the table. They burst into flames sometime in the first quarter and while we all stayed fairly calm, it was my quick response with a fresh Heineken Light that ultimately saved the day! When I informed Virginia that I had single-handedly saved the entire establishment from certain death with my quick response, she gave me a replacement Heineken and a bat of her beautiful baby blues!
Just before half-time we went up to the room and had our bags brought up. We popped a bottle of bubbly and watched the rest of the game while preparing for the concert. The view of the ocean from the 42nd floor was breathtaking (maybe just slightly more than Virginia bending over to take a drink order from the table next to us)!
Soon we were off to the concert hall to see Los Lonely Boys and Carlos Santana.
I had heard some of their songs on a CD, but Los Lonely Boys were great live! I only wish they had played more than five songs! There were barely 2000 people at the show and we had excellent seats right in the center of the room. There was a huge bar setup in the lobby which was just s short distance behind us, so it was easy to keep the beer flowing. Carlos Santana was absolutely amazing! The sound he can generate from a guitar is extraordinary! I was very impressed and was actually disappointed when his set ended.
After the show we wanted to get Tony Luke's cheesesteaks, but had to settle for a Fatburger instead, as TL's was closed for the night.
Shortly after that, CNN retired for the night and I headed to the poker room for a little late night action. I sat from 11:30 until almost 3 am when I decided that sleep was a better option for me. After going all-in three times, winning twice and chopping once, I was actually down $30. A dismal session to say the least and I feel I would have won if I had stayed and played, but I was really tired and feeling the effects of the beer and tequila.
We checked out and were on the road about noon Monday and all in all I think it was a great time! Now we can compare this version to CNN's when she gets around to updating!