Well, this road trip certainly had it all! It will take several posts to report all the drunken debauchery of the weekend, but I will begin with our stop at Centralia, PA. The warning sign posted at the entrance to the town says it all. If it weren't so damn cold we may have spent a little more time exploring the little hamlet, but with the wind chill factor already in the negative digits and the sun about to set, we decided to keep this leg of the trip to a brief minimum. We were somewhat disappointed in the fact that there really wasn't any exposed flame, just a lot of steam rising from holes in the ground. Parts of the ground were warm to the touch, and you could see where the ground was starting to collapse in areas. Ted found a nice chunk of coal which we later used to heat the cabin when we got to the the lake. All in all it was kind of eerie, like visiting the set of a creepy horror movie. While I half expected to see some banjo-strumming, mouth-harp playing townsfolk rocking on their porches, we did not see any residents while we were there. This was the shortest leg of our journey, and we were quickly back on the road headed toward our final destination at Lake Wallenpaupack.
Match the odds:
(1)odds of winning powerball
(2)odds of being swallowed up into the fiery Centralia hillside
(3)odds of finding a bar with $0.75 beers
(4)odds of meeting a good looking girl in that bar
(a) 1 in 20
(b) 1 in 200 million
(c) 1 in 1 million
(d) 1 in 1 billion
Answer Key:
(1) - (b)
(2) - (c)
(3) - (a)
(4) - (d)
can't wait for more details...loved the "new Granger" phot...cnn forwarded it to me :)
When we left the bar on Friday one of the patrons said if we came back Sunday he'd save the girl with the teeth for us.
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