I never was able to build much of a chip stack and was knocked out with about 40 players left. It was till good to be back at the tables for this event and I was looking forward to the next event where I promised myself I would play alot more aggressively.
Thursday I returned for a regular format No Limit event. We started with 200 players at 20 tables with $6000 chip stacks. This time I stuck to my promise and once I got a feel for the other players at the table I started to build my stack. About 4 hours in to the event I had built my stack up to about $26k and was feeling good about my play. We were down to 5 tables, but they weren't all full so again there was about 40 players left. This time there would be cash prizes for the final 27 players with the biggest share going to first place, of course.
I got myself involved involved in a hand that in retrospect I should have been able to get away from, but I guess I will blame it on the Captain and Ginger's I had been drinking for the past 4 hours. The player to my right had raised before the flop to $5k and I had called with a pocket pair of sixes. The player to my left then moved all-in for about $28k. The original raiser finally folded after a few minutes of deliberation and I went into the tank for this decision. I knew we were close to the money (I needed to outlast about 12 more players at this point), but I also knew I would need more chips to make a run at the final table. After alot of thought I hoped the player had two big cards (like Ace-King) but no pair and I shoved my chips into the pot, as well. Unfortunately he turned over pocket Kings and I was suddenly a 4-1 dog to survive the hand.
Unlike an earlier hand in the tournament where I held pocket sixes and made quads on the river, no help came to me and I was walking. Aside from the final hand I was very happy with my play and I am looking forward to then next events this week. I have a feeling my name will be appearing in the tournament final results again very soon.
Here's my chip stack near its peak that night. Orange are $1k, purple $500, black $100 and greens are $25: